Lets Get Together

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

110218 Park Yuhwan "Park Yuchun es un hermano paternal, estoy orgulloso de él"

Park Yoohwan said that his brother Park Yoochun is “A fatherly brother.”

Though he has made his debut as an actor, Park Yoohwan is more well known as Park Yoochun’s younger brother. News articles and interviews being released about him all include references to Park Yoochun. Though it wouldn’t have been surprising if Park Yoohwan felt a little disappointed by this, he smiled brightly and said, “I am proud of the fact that Park Yoochun is my older brother.

Park Yoochun is five years older than his younger brother. Park Yoohwan said, “During my childhood, I lived in Virginia with my family. We were the only Asian people in our area. People were so racist against us that I walked around with a dark expression on my face. But when I was at home, I could smile brightly. My older brother took care of me like a father.

Park Yoohwan confessed that he was momentarily happy when his brother left to Korea to become a celebrity. As they had been sharing a room together till then, Park Yoohwan first thought, “Everything is mine now.” But that young heart soon turned into a deep longing for his brother.

Afterwards, Park Yoochun succeeded as a singer. A few years ago, their family all returned to Korea, Park Yoohwan included. He said, “I was scared at first because I had left Korea at such a young age. I would sometimes speak impolitely to those much older than me. My brother retaught me of the proprieties of Korea with a firm hand.

Park Yoohwan’s feelings about his brother seem to be pure and innocent. He said, “At home, he’s just a regular older brother. But when he gets on stage, it’s like he becomes a completely different person.” Park Yoochun is strict to his brother but never forgets to shower him with love.

Park Yoohwan watched Park Yoochun grace the stage. He also saw his older brother suffering over leaving TVXQ. But when Park Yoohwan told Park Yoochun that he wanted to become an actor, Park Yoochun didn’t stop him. Instead, he gave his younger brother some honest advice. “The entertainment industry is a rough place. Think over your decision seriously. But if you still want to become an actor after that, I’ll be there for you.”

And it seems that Park Yoochun is going to stick to his word. He attended the press conference of the drama Park Yoohwan currently appears in, ‘Shiny Shiny Shining’. He even appeared on location of the drama to see his brother. Park Yoohwan thanked him for coming and even said that he was hoping for a cameo appearance from his older brother.

---------Park Yuhwan dijo que su hermano Park Yuchun es "Un hermano paternal."

A pesar de que ha hecho su debut como actor, Parke Yuhwan es mejor conocido como el hermano menor de Park Yuchun. Las noticias y entrevistas que han sido liberadas sobre él en todas se incluyen referencias sobre Park Yuchun. A pesar de que no habría sido sorprendente si Park Yuhwan se sintiera un poco decepcionado por esto, él sonrió y dijo, "Estoy orgulloso del hecho de que Park Yuchun sea mi hermano mayor."

Park Yuchun es cinco años mayor que su hermano menor. Park Yuhwan dijo: "Durante mi infancia, viví en Virginia con mi familia. Fuimos los únicos asiáticos en nuestra zona. La gente era tan racista estaba en contra de nosotros que caminamos por ahí con una expresión sombría en el rostro. Pero cuando yo estaba en casa, volvia a sonreír alegremente. Mi hermano mayor se hizo cargo de mí como un padre."

Park Yuhwan confesó que fue un momento feliz, cuando su hermano se fue a Corea para convertirse en una celebridad. Como habían estado compartiendo una habitación junto hasta entonces, el primer pensamiento de Park Yuhwan fue: "Todo es mío ahora". Pero el corazón del jóven pronto tuvo un profundo anhelo por hermano.

Posteriormente, Park Yuchun éxito como cantante. Hace unos años, toda su familia regreso a Corea, Park Yuhwan incluido. Él dijo: "Yo tenía miedo al principio porque había dejado Corea a una edad tan joven. A veces hablaba descortésmente a los mayores. Mi hermano me ha vuelto a enseñar las propiedades de Corea con mano firme."

Los sentimientos de Park Yuhwan hacia su hermano parecen ser puros e inocentes. Él dijo: "En casa, él es sólo un hermano mayor regular. Pero cuando esta en el escenario, es cuando él se convierte en una persona completamente diferente. "Park Yuchun es estricto con su hermano pero nunca se olvida de darle una baño de amor.

Park Yuhwan a visto la gracia de Park Yuchun en el escenario. También vio a su hermano mayor sufrir por dejar TVXQ. Pero cuando Park Yuhwan le dijo a Park Yuchun que quería ser actor, Park Yuchun no lo detuvo. En cambio, dio a su hermano menor algunos consejos honestos. "La industria del entretenimiento es un lugar difícil. Piensa sobre tu decisión en serio. Si tu todavía deseas convertirse en actor después de eso, yo estaré allí para ti".

Y parece que Park Yuchun cumplira su palabra. Él atendio la conferencia de prensa del drama de Park Yuhwan donde actualmente aparece, ‘Shiny Shiny Shining’. Él apareció en la locación del drama para ver a su hermano. Park Yuhwan le dio las gracias por venir y dijo que esperaba por una aparición con su hermano mayor.-------

source: [newsen+Yuaerubi]
translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

Trad. Esp: tvxq-gdl-mex

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